Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Demon Allure Series - Book One Demon's Kiss

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Resolution - Invite Positive Influences

One of my horoscopes actually suggested this, to invite positive influences into my life. So, that's how I'm starting off my new year. This year, I'm going to try to always think positive and invite positive influences into my life.

It's interesting to consider, and harder than you think. Twice I've started to delve into negative thoughts, comments about the past year.

So I resolve to keep blocking negative thoughts and concentrate on the positive, to meditate more, to exercise more to get positive endorphins going, and to invite only positive influences into my life.

To all of you, a very happy New Year.

Book Trailer

Book Trailer
In the Flesh - double click to watch


About Me

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I'm a young 52, blonde hair, blue eyes, all the rest is subject to change without notice.