Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Demon Allure Series - Book One Demon's Kiss

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'VE GOT A CONTRACT!!! YAY!! (Back on topic)

Okay, so you've sold your first book, you've got your contract in your hot little hands, so what do you do? You run around and tell everyone!

Be prepared, while some people (your mother, maybe) will congratulate you, others will be a real downer.

Unless you sign with a major house, some will say they're not a real publisher. If you don't write the kind of books they like, you're not a real author.

What is it with people? Why can't they just be encouraging? And what's so hot about reality? If it's so great, why are most people trying to escape it? Why not just let people dream a little? So, when it's your turn, remember this, whether in life or love, let people enjoy it. Reality will arrive soon enough.

So ignore them and hang around your mom or your spouse. Don't let the bastards get you down!

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I'm a young 52, blonde hair, blue eyes, all the rest is subject to change without notice.